Kimera Labs


Compound Summary

The sum of these data suggests that CLP is a promising and useful ingredient for the improvement of wrinkles through its ability to enhance the elasticity of the SC.

Improvement of crow’s feet lines by topical application of 1-carbamimidoyl-L-proline (CLP)

Proline-dependent regulation of collagen metabolism

Exogenous proline stimulates type I collagen and HIF-1α expression and the process is attenuated by glutamine in human skin fibroblasts

Improvement of crow’s feet lines by topical application of 1-carbamimidoyl-L-proline (CLP)

Proline: Proline is vital for collagen synthesis. It helps strengthen the skin’s structure, improves moisture retention, and promotes a smoother, more youthful appearance. [2]

Karna, E., et al., Proline-dependent regulation of collagen metabolism. Cell Mol Life Sci, 2020. 77(10): p. 1911-1918.